Jorn Swart

Doeke – Herinner (Digital Sheet Music)

Complete Sheet Music (PDFs) of Doeke – Herinner (2022).

Herinner (Remember) is my newest album, to be released in December 2022. It’s an album that explores the power of memory and music to transport one to another time and place. You know how a certain smell can suddenly invoke something that happened a long time ago, and you become instantly overcome with the same feeling you had back then? Music can also invoke these temporary time travels, and each of the songs on this album captures such a specific memory or feeling.

These recollections are deeply personal, but music can transcend this and transform the particular into the universal. Nostalgia, joy, melancholy, reflection, and excitement are universal feelings and through music we can experience these collectively, and take comfort in them. Herriner is about these little moments that seem insignificant, but can be so powerful, and it invites the listeners join and embrace the nostalgic.
  1. Op Reis (Traveling)
  2. Nadagen (After-days)
  3. Fietsje (Little Bicycle)
  4. Vliegen (Flying)
  5. Op IJs (On the Ice)
  6. Naar Buiten (Going Outside)
  7. Tijdreizen (Time Travel)
  8. Heimwee (Homesick)
  9. De Nacht (The Night)
  10. Herfstblad (Autumn Leaf)
  11. Levensloop (Life-cycle)
  12. Toeval (Chance)
