Jorn Swart

Doeke – Vooruit (Digital Sheet Music)

Complete Sheet Music (PDFs) of Doeke – Vooruit (2021).

Doeke is Jorn’s minimal solo piano project. Vooruit is my second full Doeke album. Whereas ‘Naar Huis’ was an album about home and nostalgia, this follow-up collection of songs can be considered its companion piece: these 10 compositions not only embrace the present moment but also look towards the future with a sense of hope and optimism, albeit with a good dose of melancholia.

10 PDFs of Solo Piano sheet music.

1. Alles Anders
2. Vooruit
3. Chloe
4. Herfst
5. Een Jaar
6. Monsieur Noir
7. Nieuw Begin
8. Ommekeer
9. Vogelzang
10. Avondklanken
